London Wetland Centre



City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Region: London
Opend 2000 

Species 100



The wetland centres arent just another birdpark ore just another birdsanctury, its both and and a lot more, becourse most of the centre concentrates on the local wetland

fauna and flora, where the birds are comming ad going as they wich. At the same time you can studdy birds frome other wetlands frome around the globe. It opend in the year 2000.


My last visit 2010



WWT London Wetland Centre

Queen Elizabeth's Walk



SW13 9WT

United Kingdom



Telephone number: 020-8409-4400

Vis stort kort

The zoo is minimum open 9.30 am - 5 pm

Entrance fee

  • Adult 15,40 £
  • Child 10,00 £
  • Familly ticket* 43,10 £

* Familly tickets are vallid for 2 adults and 2 kids

Annual card*

  • Adult 51,- £
  • Child 24,- £ 
  • 2 Adults 75,- £
  • Familly 1/2** 78,- £/ 105,- £

* All annual cards are valid for all WWT centres
** Familly Cards are valid for 1 ore 2 Adults and their children

Map 2015

Starting at the entrance we go through the Waters Edge Café and starting with the trail showing the waterlife, with a ponde zone, the sustainable gardens, the fritallary meadow, the marsh, the sheltered lagoon and the main lake., all showing how the wildewetlands of the UK work, with birds beeing there all the time wilde ore if they migrating birds at theire special season. So remember in this area, if you want to se wildlife, be absolute quite, els you scare the wildlife away. Kids though should be parked in the explore adventure area, where they learn about how it is to be a bird through playing. Back again in the visitors centre we look at the discovery centre, where we can read about the areas we just visited and afterwards at the observatory, just to pick up some of those areas again, that reminde us of what we have learned. Going outside again we meet the worlds wetland, showing 14 different wetlandhabitats frome the world, especially here you can com closer to some of the birds like Eiders, Coscoroba swans, Comb ducks and the beautyfull mandarin duck. The last area, wich only is open in the summer, is the walk on the wildside where you meet the wild fauna and flora of the swamp, so its time to be quiet here again.



DE: Es gibt insgesamt 9 dieser WWT im Vereinigten Königreich (UK), alle zeigen wie ein feuchtgebiet funktioniert, insbesondere durch wilde Tiere, die hier ein neues zuhause gefunden haben - da es viele Zugvögel sind, gibt es immer neue Arten zu entdecken, manche der WWT's zeigen aber auch vögel wie im gewöhnlichen Vogelpark, das WWT London hat 14 solcher Anlagen - diese zeigen aber insbesondere die Feuchtbiotioe anderer kontinente.




DK: Kan man ikke lide fugleparke og og zooer, vil WWT's koncept nok fange en, bare man har en kærlighed til dyr. De fleste dyr her lever i små nationalparker, hvor der hele tiden er nye trækfugle at kigge på, men også dyr der lever fast her og som til en hver tid kan forsvinde, når de har lyst. Dem der intet har imod fugleparker kan dog også se fugle fra vådområder fra andre kontinenter, da haven har 14 af sådanne anlæg
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